The fact that geography as the scientific discipline and as a school subject has a great meaning for all of us in everyday life is obvious for scientists representing this discipline, for students who have chosen geographical studies, and for many members of the society.
We don’t need to convince geographers, that the variety and diversity of problems, which geography undertakes, and the multi-pronged applying of research results in various domains of life is one of the most important advantages of modern geography. The question arises how much do scientists from different disciplines value the role of geography in preparing young people for their adult life? Do university authorities show their confidence in geography as the school subject, which favors the education of numerous skills and indispensable competences to studying at an academic level? These questions are important in Poland, where from 2001 to 2005 the system of enrolment for academic education has changed. This paper presents results of research on the enrolment of candidates in all national Polish universities. Analysis of numerous source materials shows both those majors, which require candidates passing a mature exam in geography and those that recommend it. The final result of this research is a ranking, portraying the value of geography as the subject preparing young people for studying at an academic level in Poland.
Opublikowane w:
Groenwald M., Plit F., Rodzoś J., Szkurłat E., Tracz M. (2008) Raport o stanie geografii szkolnej w nowym systemie oświaty w Polsce, in: Wiśniewski R., W. Gierańczyk (ed.) Geografia we współczesnym systemie kształcenia, PAN, Dokumentacja Geograficzna nr 38, Warszawa
Piróg D., Tracz M., Gurgul B. 2007, Motywy wyboru geografii na maturze a wyniki egzaminu maturalnego, in: XIII Konferencja diagnostyki edukacyjnej. Uczenie się i egzamin w oczach uczniów, Łomża
4. [link nieaktualny]
13. (Accessed: 18.04.2009) [link nieaktualny – więcej na stronie:]