Do employers really require experience? An analysis of online job adverts and the implications for HE policy
One of the important roles of HE institutions is to train graduates who will smoothly enter the labour market. The literature review demonstrates that one effective method to facilitate this transition is to ensure students acquire professional experience. The aim was to establish the scale and characteristics of employers’ demand for work experience expressed in…
The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition
The objective of the article is to empirically verify the impact of assessing one’s own competences on the transition of recent university geography graduates from education to employment. The article also looks at the role of competences in predicting graduates’ situation on the job market.
Key processes shaping the current role and operation of higher education institutions in society
The concurrent processes of globalisation, computerisation, and integration shape and constantly modify developmental factors and generate multidirectional social changes. Among social life fields, one of them has been particularly sensitive to the impact of those processes and has remained in clear feedback relationship with them is education, including university-level education. This article aims to present…
Aspiracje i plany zawodowe młodzieży akademickiej w Polsce na przykładzie studentów geografii *
W opracowaniu przestawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w czerwcu 2011 w dwunastu uczelniach kształcących geografów w Polsce. Objęto nimi 1120 studentów kończących studia I stopnia, II stopnia lub studia jednolite magisterskie w roku akademickim 2010/2011, tj.: osoby, które stanowiły grupę wchodzącą na rynek pracy.
Do Polish Universities value Geography in the 21st Century
The fact that geography as the scientific discipline and as a school subject has a great meaning for all of us in everyday life is obvious for scientists representing this discipline, for students who have chosen geographical studies, and for many members of the society.
Changes to the conception of geography curricula within university education in poland in the 21st century in the face of labour market challenges
In the nineties of the 20th century, there was a rapid growth in the number of applicants for Polish universities. Unfortunately, this favourable situation didn’t cause any structural or curriculum changes. Traditional geography curriculum remained obsolete and not adapted to the challenging Polish labour market.
Methods for Efficiency Improvement of Geographical Studies within the Scope of Procurement of Work by Graduates Exemplified by Solutions Applied in Great Britain and in Germany *
The study presents a review of proposals for improving efficiency of higher geographical studies in Great Britain and in Germany. The following elements of the strategy are characterized: preparation and audit of study curricula, methodology of academic teaching, management of professional career and familiarity with labour market, promotion of graduates’ competences.
Ważniejsze etapy pracy naukowej
24. 09 -19. 11. 2022 – staż naukowy: Republika Czeska, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno, Katedra Geografie; temat badawczy: Wpływ przemian systemowych, społecznych i gospodarczo – politycznych na funkcjonowanie nauczycieli geografii na rynku pracy 2020 – zdobycie Certyfikatu Tutora 2018 – projekt badawczy własny (OPUS 15): „Analiza popytu na absolwentów studiów z dziedziny nauk o Ziemi w…
Graduates of geographical studies on the labour market in the process of transformation in higher education
Unemployment, which also hits people with higher education, is one of the major socio-economic problems in Poland. This unfavourable situation is caused by the wrong conception of higher education which doesn’t prepare graduates for employers’ requirements.
Badania losów zawodowych absolwentów
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd, analizę i ocenę metod, narzędzi, celów oraz organizacji badań losów zawodowych absolwentów uczelni wyższych. Studiami objęto wszystkie dostępne raporty z badań prowadzonych przez Biura Karier, zespoły badaczy oraz indywidualnych naukowców od roku 2000.