The article presents an analysis of evolution of the conception of selection and arrangement of regional education themes in Poland in 1960–2008 with special consideration for the understanding of territory and region in geographical education.
Nowadays, at the time of an intense globalisation process taking place, the meaning of the delimitation of cognition space in science‐geographic education is changing. It can be observed, first and foremost in the reorientation of regional education targets. Extending knowledge of the world itself is no longer the most important target of regional education. Development of students’ proper attitude towards multifaceted diversity of today’s world has become the essential target of teaching. Space delimitation, so deeply ingrained in the tradition of Polish geography education at schools, seems to become more often not a target but a means of achieving the desired educational goals. Thus, it is correct to adopt a new concept of perception of territory, region, space and place in geographical education which is compatible with the concept of multicultural education defined as the rejection of space delimitations and opening students to otherness, developing the sense of tolerance towards other people, respect for themselves and protection of own dignity.
Published in:
Piróg, D. (2009). Territory, region and place in Polish geographical education in the context of the globalisation process. Educational Studies, 35(4), 391–403. Taylor & Francis.