The role of competences for geography higher education in university-to-work transition
The objective of the article is to empirically verify the impact of assessing one’s own competences on the transition of recent university geography graduates from education to employment. The article also looks at the role of competences in predicting graduates’ situation on the job market.
The impact of degree programme educational capital on the transition of graduates to the labour market
The article aims to empirically verify the impact of educational capital on the success or failure of higher education graduates’ transitions. The paper uses the example of geography graduates in Poland who took part in a nationwide survey in 2012, six months after their graduation.
Methods for Efficiency Improvement of Geographical Studies within the Scope of Procurement of Work by Graduates Exemplified by Solutions Applied in Great Britain and in Germany *
The study presents a review of proposals for improving efficiency of higher geographical studies in Great Britain and in Germany. The following elements of the strategy are characterized: preparation and audit of study curricula, methodology of academic teaching, management of professional career and familiarity with labour market, promotion of graduates’ competences.
Graduates of geographical studies on the labour market in the process of transformation in higher education
Unemployment, which also hits people with higher education, is one of the major socio-economic problems in Poland. This unfavourable situation is caused by the wrong conception of higher education which doesn’t prepare graduates for employers’ requirements.