Research grant financed by Education Development Centre

•    Research grant financed by Education Development Centre (Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji) with EU co-financing under the ESF programme; programme name: Operational Programme: „Human Capital”, Priority 3 High quality of the education system: “Get to know your professional competences”

The main research objective: to develop a concept of innovative diagnosis of professional aptitude among people aged 13-18. The diagnosis is anchored in a constructivist paradigm of career counselling and uses biographical reflexion.
The research carried out in the project corroborated that Mark Savickas’ theory of reflective biography can be applied in career construction. It includes identifying an individual’s vocational personality based on personality types, recognising psychological and social readiness and the resources of an individual to cope with current and future changes and challenges in career development, i.e. career adaptability as well as individual reflective insights into the subjective narrative of an individual about their desires, ideas and career interests, i.e. life themes.