Local Residents’ Perceptions of a Dam and Reservoir Project in the Teesta Basin, Darjeeling Himalayas, India

We researched local residents’ perceptions of a dam and reservoir construction project in the Teesta River catchment basin (Darjeeling Himalayas) within 1.5 years of its completion, using a questionnaire survey.

Most survey participants expressed negative perceptions of the project, citing a declining quality of life (loss of jobs and loss of access to river sites that had been important for religious practices and livelihoods) and a sense of insecurity (risk of landslides). These results may help predict attitudes toward similar reservoir projects that are planned for the Teesta basiin.

Published in:

Wiejaczka, Ł., Piróg D., Tamang L, Prokop, P. (2018). Local Residents’ Perceptions of a Dam and Reservoir Project in the Teesta Basin, Darjeeling Himalayas, India. Mountain Research and Development, 38(3), 203-210, DOI: 10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00124.1