This book draws theoretically and methodologically from the sociology of curriculum, educational policy, and comparative education to meta-analyse the findings of nine separate studies which explored constructions of “Europe” in the Social Studies secondary school curricula of a respective number of countries: Baden-Wurttemberg (Germany), Greece, France, Poland, Cyprus, Northern Ireland (UK), Sweden, Ireland and the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (Spain).
The objectives of the book are threefold: firstly, to explore constructions of “Europe” and “European identity-citizenship” in these countries’ curricula; secondly, to explore whether, and, if so, how these findings indicate a “Europeanisation” of national curricula; and thirdly, to discuss the similarities, differences, continuities, discontinuities and tensions identified when comparing these curricula. Link
Published in:
Piróg D, 2012. The concept of Europe and European Integration in Polish National Curriculum [W:] Europe turned local- the local turned European? Constructions of ‘Europe’ in social studies curricula across Europe (ed. Philipphou S.), LIT Verlag, Zurich, s.211-236.
ISBN 978-3-643-90258-0
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