Wybrane teorie przechodzenia absolwentów szkół wyższych na rynek pracy w warunkach gospodarki opartej na wiedzy
Przejście absolwentów studiów wyższych w XXI wieku z etapu edukacji do zatrudnienia to złożony proces, uzależniony od wielu czynników i rodzący szereg konsekwencji społecznych, psychologicznych, ekonomicznych o niejednorodnej skali oddziaływania.
Destinations of geography graduates on the labour market in Poland and other countries
The objective of the article is to analyse the changes in labour market destinations of geography graduatesin selected countries over the last 30 years. Moreover, the paper discusses the results of a Polish study on professionalcareer plans of recent geography graduates and the fulfilment of these plans in 2012.
Community perception of the Klimkówka Reservoir in Poland
This article presents the results of a survey on how people perceive the Klimkówka storage reservoir located on the Ropa River in the Polish Carpathians. The analysis focused on establishing the role of various factors which impact the assessment of the reservoir by the local community.